+44 (0)207 193-4645 Mon-Sat: 8.30AM - 5.30PM

Regardless if the bathroom you need is restricted by budget, needs to be basic for a rental, or is required to be high-end with quality sanitaryware, we aim to make every bathroom we fit to have the best finish we can possibly achieve.

Nearly all the bathrooms we do we completely re-plumb and rewire. Most of the time we also completely plaster the room before 2nd fit as to minimise crooked walls and we also completely seal the floor before tiling. This doesn't mean that you can let your sealant lines and grout excessively diminish, but it does mean that there is far less chance of a leak from sealant failure damaging other parts of your property - or neighbours' property for that matter.

Aenean interdum, tellus ac dictum sollicitudin, arcu eros luctus massa, eu ullamcorper elit nunc nec diam. Phasellus rhoncus magna porttitor risus varius, vitae eleifend urna venenatis. Pellentesque ornare vel felis eu posuere. Fusce auctor, ante eu mollis porttitor, tortor velit pellentesque leo, sed tristique tortor ligula suscipit purus. Etiam sit amet molestie neque. Vestibulum eget nibh metus. Pellentesque volutpat, tellus nec dictum dictum, felis ex tempor risus, varius scelerisque nulla sem ac massa. Maecenas pulvinar sollicitudin quam pulvinar suscipit. Phasellus et mi vestibulum, semper nulla at, pellentesque ex. Sed pharetra accumsan sem nec ornare.